"M" topics...mom, moose, magnets, mail, mittens
{Circle Time}
Calendar...Talk about the month and days of the week and put sticker on the day we are discussing.
Reading...days of the week book...Mup's Days of the Week by Wendy Body
...theme books...My "m" Book by Jane Belk Moncure
Just Like Mama by Leslea Newman
The Mitten by Jan Brett
If You Give a Moose a Muffin by Laura Numeroff
Moose Music by Sue Porter
Delivering Your Mail by Ann Owen
Songs/Rhymes...The M says...; Miss Mary Mack; Mail song {Blue's Clues}
{Letter Craft}
M is for Moose...{this one is my design}
Coloring...Letter Mm
Letter Identification...
find the letter worksheet
...do a dot letter printables
...used craft sticks to build the letter
Spelling...We worked on spelling MOM this week. I wrote the word and drew a picture on our dry erase board. Each day I had Little Bit spell and sound out the word. {She knows this one pretty well!}
...tray with magnetic letters and cards with words {MOM, MAD, MAN}. Little Bit placed the corresponding letters over the letters on the cards...while sounding out each letter.
Dot to Dot....mouse. This is a great exercise for getting letters in the correct order and drawing lines!
Mail...After reading the book "Delivering Your Mail" we made a mailbox. I found a template online but wanted a bigger mailbox....so I just used a piece of construction paper and we folded it around and glued it to make a mailbox. Then we used the rest of the pieces from the print out {eyes, mouth, flag} and glued them on. We also made 3 little letters that could be put in the mailbox. Then we sang the Mail Song off of Blue's Clues!
Mittens...We definitely wore mittens alot this week...as it has been cold and getting colder!
...We really enjoyed reading "The Mitten". It was fun seeing how man animals could squeeze into that little mitten! I cut some mitten shapes out of construction paper and Little Bit used stickers and crayons to decorate them.
Activity shelf...pom pom transfer w/tweezers; snowflake matching; marble transfer to star suction mat; number matching {must clip the correct numbered clothes pin to the same numbered snowflake}, "snow" sensory box {filled with all things white....pom poms, cotton balls, candle, pipe cleaners, beads, bowl, scoop}; magnet numbers/color matching and counting pom poms

Computer time...Starfall {we worked in the ABC section with the letter M}
...Little Bit also loves to get in some computer time when we go the library. They have computers set up in the children's area with games, stories, etc. She loves working on Jump Start PreK!
1 comment:
I love the mailbox and the moose!
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