Once again I'm joining Jeannette again over at
Life Rearranged for her InstaFriday feature, where every week she encourages people to link up their day to day life in photos....camera photos that is! Here are a few shots of my
{retro} week...

Little Bit is turning 4 in a couple weeks! We had her family party this past weekend. Since we have to travel for it, we work it in the best time we can. She doesn't mind getting to drag her birthday celebrations out over a month...heck who would! ;)
Well it was a princess themed party and she wore her Snow White dress. {I scored this for $5 after Halloween a few years ago!} I asked her if I could take a picture and this was the pose I got....too cute!

A few of the party guests! ;) We don't go anywhere with out a buddy or two or three!

Color matching with rings and paint chips!

First day of preschool!!! She was so excited and can't wait to go back next week!
This was quite a big week for Little Bit, partying and school! How was your week?
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