Last night we made Christmas tree pizza! I saw the idea on
pinterest. Little Bit and I had so much fun shaping the tree and then decorating it!

I just used refrigerated pizza dough, rolled it out on a greased cookie sheet and then started pressing and forming it into the tree shape. I did use a knife to cut some dough out around the branches and used that dough to form the trunk. Then we topped with sauce, cheese, pepperoni and spinach!

Then today we spent some time reading Christmas books. We have been talking about baby Jesus and the Christmas story all month long and I wanted to incorporate some books that reinforce what we have been talking about. We have a couple neat ones that share the story in a good way for preschoolers {thanks to Little Bit's teacher for adding to our collection this year!}...
The Christmas Story,
The First Night and
Christmas in the Barn. And of course we throw in a few fun favorites, especially
Llama Llama Holiday Drama!
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