
Back to school organization...

We recently redid Little Bits room and made it more grown up!  She is going into 5th grade this year and I can't believe it!  Where does the time go?!  Well, remember the homework area from this post?  She's quite outgrown the little table, so we moved it out and moved the whiteboard into her room.  

She now has a place to keep track of her weekly schedule, homework, bus times, etc.  She really loves having her own space to display postcards and artwork.  The whiteboard is also great for working out math problems, practicing writing, etc.  

She has loved keeping track of her weekly schedule this summer on a dry erase calendar I made using an Erin Condren "Oh What a Week" tear off sheet.  She can write down what we've got going each day, so she knows what to plan for.  She also will be able to keep track of what she has each day once school starts. 

We also created a shelf in my office with all kinds of writing materials and a clipboard.  She loves to grab the clipboard and a pen or pencil to work on her homework.  She can sit on the couch, floor, dining room table or in her underbed fort in her room! 

I love that as Little Bit gets older we can adapt our homework and organization system to what works best for her.  What are you doing to get ready for back to school at your house?

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