
preschool {christmas} activities...

We have been in full swing Christmas mode at preschool for the past 2 weeks!!!  Here are a few of the Christmas activities we have been doing in class...

Size sequencing with triangles to make a Christmas tree...

Sorting pom poms and jingle bells by color using bamboo tongs...

Decorating a small Christmas tree with a variety of ornaments {I added small candy canes and bells in with the present ornaments}...

Christmas card puzzle {I simply cut the front off a Christmas card and then cut it into several pieces.  I outlined where the pieces go to make it a little easier for the kids to put it back together}...

Pom pom Christmas tree {the kiddos use their little pincher fingers to pick up the pom poms and place them on the green/gold dots}...

We also have done paint chip coloring matching using the red & green.  Next week we will add threading white and red pony beads on a pipe cleaner and using clothes pins to hang mini stockings on a string.  I also hope to make some peppermint playdough for the kiddos to have fun manipulating!!!

What fun hands on activities have you had success with?

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