This summer my sister in law went on a mission trip with her church to Jamaica. They stayed with local families and worked with kids in the community each day they were there. When she got back, she took some of her pictures from the trip and put together an awesome picture book for Little Bit!
She was so excited to get the package in the mail. We opened it up to find the book and 3 wrapped gifts. The book was awesome! It told all about her trip from start to finish. From getting on the plane, to what kinds of food they ate, the weather, and what they did every day. She also told her about several of the children and how they were similar to Little Bit!
Each gift was numbered, so when we got to a certain point in the story she would open the gift that she was told to. Here she is opening gift number 1.
It was shells from the beach!
Gift number 2 was a craft she made with the kids while she was there. She made 2 this particular day, 1 for Gracie and 1 for a little girl in there in Jamaica named Nacosie.
The last gift was a Jamaican doll! Little Bit thought it was sooooo cute! It is to remind Little Bit of the kids that Aunt Becca visited. We pray for them each night at bedtime!
This was such a fun way to tell the story of her trip! After I read it to Little Bit once, she sat and looked at it over and over. She remembered lots of the details from the story and was able to retell most of it to daddy when he got home from work that day!
Thanks so much Aunt Becca!!!