
Letter Bb

"B" topics...bear, bee, bus, body

{Circle Time}
Calendar...Talk about the month and days of the week. I printed the month of August out using the calendar template in Publisher. Little Bit puts a sticker on the day we are discussing. I am trying to coordinate the stickers with the letter of the week. This week we used circle smiley face stickers.

Reading...I try to incorporate one book that has the days of the week, just to keep reinforcing them. This week we read...Kid Tea by Elizabeth Ficocelli.

My "b" Book by Jane Belk Moncure {We are enjoying this series...checking them out from out local library. It was a good lead in to finding things around the house that start with B!}

Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Bill Martin Jr.

Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey

Too Many Balloons by Catherine Matthias

Ladybug Girl at the Beach by David Soman

A Buzz is Part of a Bee by Carolyn Lunn

Songs/Rhymes...The Wheels on the Bus, Baby Bumblebee, Row Your Boat, Head & Shoulders

{Letter Craft}
B is for Bee...inspired by this blog

Coloring...Letter Bb, Potato Head (for body parts)

Spelling...We worked on spelling BUS this week. I wrote the word and drew a picture on our dry erase board. Each day I had Little Bit spell and sound out the word.
...I also had a tray set up with some magnetic letters and cards with words {BUS, BED, BUG, BAT}. Little Bit placed the corresponding letters over the letters on the cards. Then we would work on the sounds of each letter. {I just used blank index cards and wrote 3 letter B words on them with a black sharpie.}

Math...I printed this roll & color Brown Bear. I had Little Bit roll a large die and then count the dots to see which number she should color. She colored the animals the same color they are in the story.
...I bought some banners at the Dollar Tree that came in packages of like 14. I only wanted 1 to hang up in our learning space, so I cut up a few of the others to use for some activities. One being shape matching. We used these shape buttons to match with the cards I had made. {We got our shape buttons at Hobby Lobby, 1/2 lb bag for 4.99 and used 40% coup.}

Balancing...We put bean bags on our head and carefully walked across the room, trying to not let the bags fall off.

Binoculars...We decorated 2 toilet paper rolls with stickers....letter B's, butterflies, bird, and bee; then stapled them together to create binoculars. Little Bit then used these to look around the room and find things that started with B.

Build potato heads...Talked about different body parts as we put very creative potato heads together!

Balloons...Blew up some balloons and tried to balance them on our head. Then just had fun hitting them back and forth with each other.

{Snack Ideas}
blueberry banana smoothie, bananas, bears in a boat {celery w/peanut butter and gummy bears...saw this idea but didn't try it}

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